I love the colors in this Pinterest pin. The contrast of the black palms against the bright blue ocean and orange sunset. The pin lead to a dead site, So I will be changing it. Tineye had many results, but none that could help me find where this this image came from :)
Here's another paradise Pic found on Pinterest. The pin originally led to a Tumblr where the original uploader had it removed (or maybe this is the uploader?). So Tineye gave me results that led to Shuttershock where you can see the photographer credited is names Tonality. Yay!
Another paradise Pinterest pin. Leads to a Tumblr page, however it is a dead end as the original uploader deleted the entry. Tineye only came up with results from Tumblr, Pinterest and Twitter, mostly... So I don't know anything more about the picture. I just like the color of blues and how shiny the sun's reflection is. :)
Here's another Tropical Pin found on Pinterest. The pin originally led to lonelyplanet.com and even though I am re-writing it to lead here, it's because lonelyplanet.com is with Skimlinks @ 15% comission. That's a nice new find! Who wants to go for a boat ride? :)
PS Tineye had way too many results to determine the original photographer.
I found this picture on Pinterest. It led to a Tumblr page where the picture might be... but you'd probably be scrolling for a while to find it, so I'm re-writing the pin to direct here. Tineye had 3 results and none of them were helpful. Either way, This isn't the greatest picture in the world as it's pretty blurry but Palmtrees with pretty lights in them? I couldn't help myself :)
This cozy little paradise pathway pic was found on Pinterest and leads to a neat website design page called shatterbox.com - Other than that, Tineye has way too many results to narrow down where it came from :)
I found this on Pinterest and the pin originally led back to indulgy.com, however this picture wasn't anywhere on that page... so I'll re-write the pin to lead back here. Tineye also had zero results... This place could be Bora Bora - but really I have no idea. I just know it looks like a place I would like to be. Check out the little power outlet on the palm tree trunk. Just something I noticed :)
Here's another happy paradise pic found on Pinterest. The pin leads to Tumblr, where I think it credits the original photographer, ADAM SZAFRANSKI. Tineye had no results. According to the hashtags on Tumblr - This appears to be a California beach.
Here's another image found via Pinterest. The original Pin led to a site that didn't even have the photo on the page, but via Tineye, which I will not be posting search result links to since they expire after 72 hours, let me to the 500px site where it credits the photographer, Enrique F. Ferrá.